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Our trainings are suitable for anyone age 16+ who would like to learn more about a particular topic.

We charge £225 per hour for our closed trainings (for your team/group), either face to face or online. Please note that 0.45p per mile will be added for face-to-face sessions.

We charge £25 per hour per individual for our open access online trainings. When open access trainings are available, the dates are published on this page.

We can offer a discount to NHS, local authority and small charities, voluntary and community organisations who have an income of £250k or less.

Please see our Terms & Conditions

Please see Dhiverse charges


Dhiverse offers specialised consultancy services designed to support professionals in the realms of relationships and sex education. These services aim to equip educators, healthcare providers, and social workers with the comprehensive knowledge and skills necessary to address sensitive topics effectively.

We can offer a discount to NHS, local authority and small charities, voluntary and community organisations who have an income of £250k or less.

For more information please contact

Talking to Young People about Relationships and Sex
Training for professionals
2 hours

This workshop aims to support teachers and those who work with young people in an educational/support setting to feel better equipped to engage YP in RSE. In the session we will reflect on our own experiences of Relationship and Sex Education, and we will look at:

  • Creating a safe space to teach or talk about RSE

  • Responding to challenging behaviour, including sexualised behaviours and attitudes

  • Managing the ‘difficult’ questions

  • Recognising the barriers to young people engaging effectively

  • The RSE Curriculum

  • Age-appropriate content – PSHE Guidance

‘Talk the Talk’ SEND Workshop
A workshop for parents and professionals
3.5 hours

This workshop aims to equip professionals and parents who support people who have a learning disability (LD) or autism, with the skills, knowledge, and tools to communicate effectively around relationships, sex, sexual health and keeping safe online and in the community. We will explore:

  • The relationship and sexual needs of people with a LD or autism, and their legal rights around relationships and sex

  • Creating a safe environment to talk about relationships and sex

  • The key topics related to relationships, sex, and sexual health and how to communicate around these topics

  • Responding to challenging behaviour, including sexualised behaviours

            and concerning sexual behaviours

  • Managing the ‘difficult’ questions

  • Recognising the barriers to people with a LD or autism establishing relationships

  • Developing resources to help support people in these discussions

Sexualised Behaviours in Children and Young People

Understanding Sexualised Behaviours in Children and Young People [Understanding SLIP] is a workshop designed to support parents/carers, and/or professionals in navigating conversations about relationships and sex with young people.

If you are concerned that a child or teenager could be exposed to risky sexual behaviours* - online or face to face - then this workshop could provide the support you are looking for to help them understand the consequences of these behaviours and to help prevent them from engaging. 

This course also explains the criteria for accessing the SLIP (Sex, the Law, Internet, and Pornography) intervention and how you can make a referral if this is something the young person is interested in. 

*Risky behaviours include sending or viewing inappropriate and/or explicit images and content and inappropriate behaviours with or towards other people.

We can also deliver this workshop at your school or provision.

Understanding SLIP is free for parents and professionals in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough but if you live or work outside of the county, you can join a workshop for a charge - See Dhiverse charges

Email Marisol for more information -

An Introduction to Sexual Consent
1.5 hours

This training is for anyone 16+ who would like to gain a basic understanding of sexual consent. There are a lot of misunderstandings, confusions and fears around consent and this training aims to help support participants to feel better equipped to navigate consent.

Bystander Intervention
1.5 hours

This training is for anyone age 16+ who would like to explore what is meant by both the bystander effect and bystander intervention. We look at the bystander effect in general, but we focus on what we can do if we witness sexual harassment or assault. Racism, bullying, sexual harassment, and other inappropriate behaviours contribute to a toxic culture, and if left unaddressed, these behaviours can become normalised over time. The impact they can have on people can be hugely detrimental – leading to stress, anxiety, physical harm, and mental health problems. The Bystander Effect is when a person sees another person in trouble but does not help or intervene. Bystander Intervention is recognizing a potentially harmful situation or interaction and choosing to respond in a safe and appropriate way that could positively influence the outcome.

Let’s Explore Sexual Consent
3.5 hours

This training is for anyone 16+ who has a basic understanding of sexual consent and would like to explore sexual consent in more depth. Participants will gain a greater insight into the law and consent, and the differences between consent and non-consent. This training aims to provide an up-to-date knowledge of the legal framework around consent and sex and includes input from a survivor of sexual assault and the Police.

Let’s Talk About Relationships
1.5 hours

This training is for anyone age 16+ who would like to improve their understanding of relationships and develop tools to identify behaviours and attitudes that make a relationship either safe and positive or, toxic and abusive. We will look at:

  • How to identify abusive behaviours and attitudes

  • Resources that people within abusive relationships can access

  • The challenges in ending a relationship we’re not happy with

  • How relationships evolve

  • What makes a healthy relationship?

A Whistle-Stop Tour of Sexual Health
1.5 hours

This session is for anyone age 16+ who would like to gain a basic understanding of what we mean by sexual health. We will look at:

  • What we mean by sexual health and why it’s important

  • Common STIs and how to protect oneself and one’s partners from infection

  • Condoms and Contraception

  • Sexual health check-ups and where to get support around your sexual health and relationships

HIV - The Facts
1.5 hours

This training is for anyone age 16+ who would like to understand what HIV is and how it’s transmitted; how it’s changed in 35+ years and what it’s like to live with HIV in the 2020s. We will also explore the myths and facts of HIV and look at how we can reduce the stigma and prejudice that many people living with HIV still experience.

Talks and presentations

Talks and presentations on any of the above topics - minimum of 1 hour

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