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Other Support Organisations

If you or anyone else is at immediate risk of danger call 999

Please note the following information was correct as of September 2023.

However, please be aware that organisations may change their contact information so please check their website if you think the information might not be correct.

Unfortunately, due to a loss of funding we’re unable to provide general HIV Support. However The Terrence Higgins Trust now provide this service:

The Terrence Higgins Trust Cambridgeshire/Peterborough

If you are HIV positive and need support with benefits, housing, general support etc. please contact:

Kerry Young – 07468 725947 (Cambridgeshire)

Frankie Stephens – 07741 325172 (Peterborough)

For email queries –

National Sexual Health Helpline:  If you would like to talk to someone about a sexual health issue, you can call them free on 0300 123 7123

SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre): The Elms Huntingdon, free support and practical help to anyone in Cambridgeshire who has experienced sexual violence and/or sexual abuse. Office: 01480 425003  Out of Hours Helpline: 0800 193 5434. If you are in danger – Dial 999

Rape Crisis Rape Centres: Rape Crisis provide specialist support and services to women and girls who have experienced sexual violence. Find your local centre - Cambridge Rape Crisis Centre (CRCC) Helpline 01223 245888

iCaSH (Contraception & Sexual Health Clinics): for information, support, testing and treatment around HIV, sexual health and contraception call 0300 300 3030 or visit their website where you can also find information on free HIV and STI home testing kits. 


Brook: sexual health support for young people. Visit their website for a range of information or to find a service near you.

The Kite Trust: Support and information for young people around gender and sexuality. Visit their website or call 01223 369508.

Cambridge City Council Housing: In a housing emergency, call 01223 457918 (9am to 5pm). Outside of office hours – between 5pm and 9am, and on weekends and public holidays – call 0330 053 8109 for emergencies about homelessness. Calls are charged at the same rates as calls to landlines, and are included in inclusive minutes packages.

Cambridgeshire County Council: For Social Care out of hours/duty team or Safeguarding Emergencies call 01733 234724

Shelter: Free helpline:  0808 800 4444 open every day of the year, or visit their website. Contact them if you’re homeless or have nowhere to sleep, or you’re at risk of harm.

National Debtline: Free help with debts.


Citizens Advicethe number for Cambridge Citizens Advice is 0808 278 7808

NHS First Response Service: Call 111 and press Option 2 (Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, 24/7 helpline)

The Samaritans: If you need to talk to someone call 116 123, anytime for free from any phone. They will listen to you, not judge and everything you say is in confidence.

MIND: If you’re struggling with your mental health and need someone to talk to call their Infoline: 0300 123 3393 Email:  or Text: 86463

Lifeline: Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Mental Health Free Helpline: 0808 808 2121 open 11am – 11pm every day​​​

Please note this information was correct as of September 2023

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